With governments locking down cities and health authorities requesting residents to self-quarantine to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus, people are faced with weeks, if not months, of staying at home.
So, here’s a list of eco-friendly tips you can apply during this pandemic situation:
Conserve water use while washing hands!
The largest defense against contracting the novel coronavirus is washing your hands for 20 seconds or longer and do it often, according to the CDC. So, turn off the faucet while you’re washing your hands and of course brushing your teeth too. You use about 5 gallons of water if you leave the water running while brushing your teeth. Only wash full loads of laundry (in cold water—it saves energy). Try washing dishes by hand a few days a week; scrape rather than rinse dishes before loading into the dishwasher; keep a pitcher of water in the fridge as opposed to letting the faucet run until it’s cold. Use a low-flow shower-head because if you use it, you can save 15 gallons of water during a 10-minute shower.
Take a fast fashion break during this Quarantine!
By 2030, it’s expected that fashion waste will increase to a 148-million-ton problem. So as difficult as it may be, try taking a break from fast fashion for a few months till this quarantine ends. Doubling the useful life of clothing from one year to two years reduces emissions over the year by 24%. Also consider investing in organic and/or sustainable garments after this situation.

Pay all your bills online!
During this pandemic season since we’re all trying to take precautions it’s also recommended to stay home most of the time and billing online. It’s so easy to sign up for paperless billing! When you move your bill payment operations online, you’ll be doing your part to preserve the Earth’s resources — and some cash. One of the biggest advantages of paying your bills online, of course, is getting rid of all that paper. It’s a safe decision, then, that online bill payment is an all-around winner in terms of environmental benefits.

Make disinfectants with lemons!
When trying to fight a very contagious virus, cleaning products and disinfectants are our best friends. Whether it might be because your store is out of stock, or because you enjoy natural solutions, you can skip the harsh chemical sprays in favor of safer alternatives. Plus, they’re probably already in your pantry. I have been making homemade disinfectant solutions, sprays and wipes using hydrogen peroxide and alcohol (just make sure your mix is 70% alcohol, and leave it to dry on its own). White vinegar and vodka are power cleaners, easily cutting through grease and removing mildew, odors, stains and wax buildup. For surfaces that need to be cleaned — but not sterile — lemons can also be used to clean nonporous surfaces. For extra points, reuse existing spray bottles in your home instead of buying new ones!
Invest in reusable, biodegradable materials!
Use a reusable cup for your morning coffee, and one for the water you sip throughout the day. Same goes for bamboo reusable cutlery set while eating. Also take your own reusable string shopping bags to the supermarket. Always use eco-friendly mineral water bottles.
The current climate changes and Global warming in the World have majorly being caused by the materials we use in our daily life. We can prevent it by using biodegradable products e.g. eco bamboo toothbrush, reusable stainless-steel drinking bottles/straws, reusable cotton mesh grocery bags etc.
Go plant-based and compost!
Try some new plant-based recipes — Nonperishable foods, like canned or dry beans and rice, are easy to prepare and nutritious. It’s always important to save leftovers and reduce food waste, and this is an especially good time to be making the most of what you have. If you have any produce that has gone bad and you can’t use, try composting. Start a compost pile with yard trimmings and food scraps. If you have let your food go that little bit too far past its ‘best by’ then you need to be sure to compost it rather than putting it in the bin. Not only will this help create a natural fertilizer and keep your garden green, it’ll also reduce the amount of waste going to landfill – and as it won’t break down anaerobically, there will not be a build-up of methane gas.
Try to cut out plastic!
100,000 sea creatures and 1 million seabirds die each year from being tangled in plastic. (Source: https://www.condorferries.co.uk/plastic-in-the-ocean-statistics) Plastic seems to have found its way into every single aspect of our lives. However, giving it up isn’t as difficult as you might think – bring a reusable string shopping bag with you when you go shopping, buy your fruit and veg loose and stop buying bottled water. Also add custom bamboo toothbrushes to your lifestyle. Wood and bamboo, however, have natural antimicrobial properties that kill bacteria, even those that penetrate the surface. Also, they are easy to dispose of and are not harmful to the environment. That’s the best you can do for your teeth.
Get a plant for your home!
Plants can remove toxins from the air, increase humidity, improve and health, and more. Plants create generally cleaner air for people and animals to breath, which can be important for quality of life in this season of pandemic as we need fresh air as much as possible.
Hospital patients who have a view of trees heal faster, use fewer pain medications, and leave the hospital sooner than patients with a view of a brick wall. Patients with a view of trees spend 8 percent fewer days in the hospital. So, if you’re sick, it’s the best way to heal.

Make your home energy efficient!
Not only do LED light bulbs last longer than conventional bulbs, they’re far more efficient too! This means that you’ll be using less power and having to replace your light bulbs less frequently – everyone’s a winner. What’s more, they’re available in a range of brightness and designs so you can really tailor the lighting to your needs or to suit the room. Also make sure that the tech you have got is as energy-efficient as possible. This way, you’re using much less energy for the time that the product is on, saving money, and reducing your energy output. At least while staying home, we should save energy too.
Recycle the thing!
Chances are that if you’re thinking about taking on an eco-friendlier lifestyle then you’ll already be recycling. But could you improve your recycling-ability? You can recycle almost everything, from batteries to paper to cars. Before you throw it away, take a minute to find out if you could recycle it instead.

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