In some years, Americans have used up to 100 billion, or sometimes more, lightweight single-use plastic bags. These are the kind you get at supermarkets, fast food outlets, petrol stations, and other shops. The large majority of these end up in the landfill after they’re used, with some being recycled. Many of the bags end […]
At the base levels of the pyramid that make up the foundations of a healthy diet, you’ll find the usual suspects such as fruits and vegetables as well as legumes and whole grains. Nutrition USDA suggests that these lower levels should represent approximately 70 per cent of our diet. “Plant foods contain a wide variety […]
While ecofworld now has a range of eco-friendly bags and other products to offer, we started out with the grocery bag. Many of us know that single-use plastic bags are bad for the environment, but in the midst of our otherwise busy lives, it’s sometimes hard to remember to bring your reusable bag each time […]